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Showing posts from November, 2014

Rajghat varanasi

An unusual morning at Rajghat. Today morning when i woke up for my walk, I decided to head straight to the bank of Ganga. Dressed in night-suit, I took my camera and walked outside the Krishnamurti Foundation. When I reached Ganga-ghat I saw what could be the typical ‘rural-bustle’ of a village on river bank. Females were carrying baskets (probably full of fishes) on their head and getting into heated discussions on family matters. There were row of boats on river bank, with people getting on with their morning chores. The temple besides the ghat had people sitting in verandah. Few healthy young males were busy in ’muscle-building’ exercises. An old man was dictating a young one on the importance of joint family. Three young boys were standing together and chatting on phone, one of them enquiring about his girl friend in Lucknow. Two young girls were exercising under the supervision of a coach. Few people sitting on the staircase of temple were immersed in the