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My past life regression.

Hopping into past me

(unbelievable journey)

I feel really fortunate to 

         attend the session of (PLR) past life regression therapy amongst the beautiful hills of Mukteshwar. Strange are the ways in which we connect to people and places in our life.  But my session took me to my other life too, connecting me to my other self and disintegrating my concepts of space and time.

I was slightly skeptical at the 

beginning of my session whether I would really experience anything. But I was wrong. I immediately connected to my facilitator Swati and shared many of my life's incidences in brief before starting the session. She asked me to close my eyes and think about some specific incidence, when she started inducing me. I scanned my life from before backward. I could see some major incidences of my life as my conflicts with my mother in law, the death of my grandma etc.  That was when Swati asked me to put everything in a sack, carry it on my back and move myself forward in time. I could see myself bent on my waist due to the weight of the sac. She asked me to visualize myself forward in time. The only thing I felt was that I was afraid to live alone. I needed to learn to live by myself.  When I forwarded myself in this life time, only thing that scared me was the death of my beloved. I only had the feeling that I needed to be more with myself.  That was when I could feel tears flowing down my eyes. I could not see anything or anyone from my present life. She asked me if I could see anyone around at the time of my death, but I couldn't.

After this I was asked to see

 myself as soul floating high above. I was seeing many lights emerging from tunnels as my many life times. I felt myself directed to a tunnel with yellow light. Everything was happening on the voice of my guide. As soon as I entered the tunnel I saw an old fort. I could see myself walking barefoot on old dry leaves. My guide asked to see something more. But I couldn't see anyone else there.  She guided me forward and I could see myself peeping through a window as a typical Rajasthani woman, dressed in traditional attire with jewellery and sitting on the window. Than I was regressed into the childhood of that Rajasthani woman and I saw a village lane where some children were playing. I was a young girl of 6-8 years, playing with those children. I was asked to see something more. I saw myself behind some old walls. I was peeping through a hole and I saw a beautiful rainbow. (Later my guide told me that I had a big broad smile on my face when I was describing that rainbow, and the smile must have lasted for about 5-7 minutes.)I saw an old house, sort of big haveli with a large open space in front.
I again had a flash of an old ruined building where I was walking barefoot on dry leaves. I couldn't decipher more from this flash. That was when I asked my guide whether I could come back.
My guide asked me to see my death and I was the Rajasthani lady dying young. The  body was lying on  hard rock bed. I couldn't see the cause of the death but I had the vision of a terrace with a child playing on it. I saw the child as my own. But I couldn't recall the child as someone from my present life.  When I died I saw a young man (as a master) who caught hold of my hand and took me up. I had a doubt as if he was really a ‘master’. I even uttered ‘he is so young, is he a master?’ I felt him conveying as “you did well”. I felt so much of gratitude for the young master that I had a continuous stream of tears from my eyes. I kept wiping my tears and communicating what I felt. I felt I had so much of patience as the young Rajasthani woman, but I craved for freedom throughout my life then. And today I value my freedom most in this world. It was as if the master telling me that I had learned patience but I need to remember it, for now in this world.

Lastly I thanked and forgave people in my life 

with whom I harbor ill feelings. The beautiful thing about the whole session was I was completely aware of all the pains and aches of my body.  But I could not stand up even if I wanted to. It was as if I was completely under my guide’s command.  My husband and my son were talking outside the room and I could hear their voices coming from a distance. But nowhere during the whole session could I exert my will.

I was flooded with emotions

 and as soon as the session ended I hugged my guide with a big’ I love you’.  I am not sure about the truth and the existence of the events I witnessed. But I am pretty sure about the flood of emotions and feelings I experienced. Sure there exists a world or plane where things don’t work as they do here. Probably just a matter of experience……


  1. Refreshing expression of an emotionally overwhelming experience !

  2. Truth of this moment is the only truth.
    The rest is just a good story; it may be real but is gone.
    Your expression is so true, like always.
    Thanks for sharing.


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